I wanted to share these images a month ago.  Funny story (though not at the time).  After I took these pictures of my cats the memory card went missing.  I was pretty confident one of the kitties took it and hid it somewhere.  Seung and I searched high and low for days checking every crevice of our condo (including the garage) and underneath everything (the refrigerator, washer, dryer, sofa) where we think a cat would hide something.  We actually gave up on it.  The last time I suspected the kitties of taking something of mine it showed up two years later.  As I was packing my camera gear for WPPI (blog on that coming soon) last week the memory card magically appeared in my Think Tank roller.  Sorry, Jolie & Jonas!  Looks like momma misplaced the memory card after all and blamed it on the kitties.  Anyway, these are the test shots from my new 100mm macro lens.  I can finally take decent pictures of my cats without being all up in their space and scaring them off before taking a picture.  Aren’t they cute??  I have the best kitties in the world.  They sure aren’t your typical lazy house cats I can tell you that.  I can’t believe it’s been over three years now.  They’re our precious babies!  Okay, I’ll stop now before somebody calls me the crazy cat lady.  They were rescued kitties which we adopted and brought home at 11 weeks old in December 2007.

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